Admissions » Why St. A's?

Why St. A's?

St. Anastasia Catholic School philosophy is one that supports a JK-8 school structure that includes 5 guiding principals. 
  1. Continuity
    With an educational approach that focuses on continuity of teachers, students and families, our students are given a comfortable and encouraging learning environment resulting in greater academic achievements, and student leaders with higher self-esteem and confidence. 

  2. Greater Parental Involvement
    Studies show that as children advance in grade levels, parental involvement declines with each year and by middle school parental involvement declines substantially. JK-8 schools enjoy longer parental involvement. St. Anastasia’s active PTO provides many opportunities for parents to stay involved in their child’s education. All grades have Room Parents, Gateway to Art, family coaches, and much more. In addition to a thirty hour per year service requirement, parents are encouraged to stay involved throughout their child’s education. 

  3. School Families
    St. Anastasia Catholic School believes children learn from each other at every age. With this in mind, we have created school families made up of students from each grade. They meet several times a year to work on various projects giving older students an opportunity to teach the younger students and the younger students an opportunity to learn from their older peers. These families create a connection between the students, and we have found that the students begin to encourage and support their family groups at every age. 

  4. Nurturing Community
    Our school community extends to our parish. Many parishioners are alumni, parents of alumni, and friends of the school who continue to support the school through fundraisers, activities, sports and more. This nurturing environment allows our students opportunities to grow beyond the school environment.  Many students serve as altar servers and participate in other service projects to benefit our community. 

  5. Confident Adolescents
    Our middle grade students thrive in our school environment. They develop solid friendships with the support of their peers. With small advanced learning opportunities including athletics, arts and sciences, our eighth graders graduate as academically strong, articulate, confident, morally sound young adults.