Athletics » Athletics


Our Athletics Program aims to strengthen the body, develop skills and coordination and promote good sportsmanship. Our Athletics program offers sports for students in grades 3-8, with everything from football, basketball, volleyball to golf, cross country, and even archery.  We are members of the Catholic Charities Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) in the West Region Pac/Southbay Conference, and members of the Foundation for Interscholastic Youth Athletics (FIYA).  
While our teams are competitive, the philosophy of our sports program is to promote full participation in a supportive and nurturing environment. Our coaches train student athletes with an approach that provides discipline and skill strategies with an emphasis on teamwork and sportsmanship.
Athletics are divided into Annual, Fall, Winter and Spring sports for both girls and boys. They are broken up into three levels of competition depending on age. Varsity/ A Teams is made up of 7th and 8th grade, B Teams are 5th and 6th grades, and C Teams are 3rd and 4th grades for most sports.
General Philosophy of our Athletics Program (playing time).
  • At ALL levels (A-B-C), coaches are expected to teach ALL participants teamwork, sportsmanship, and the skills necessary to become better athletes. 
  • At ALL levels (A-B-C), athletes are expected to give ALL participants fair or equal reps during practice times.
  • At the C level, athletes should participate more or less equally in every match. 
  • At the B level, athletes should participate more or less equally over the course of the entire season and attend most practices.
  • At the A level, coaches will be given the flexibility to adjust playing time so that we can be competitive in our league and playoff games.
  • To accommodate this flexibility, the A levels will play in the CYO and FIYA leagues, as well as play in additional tournaments to distribute playing time.
  • Winning is not / should not be the focus of a coach's practice plans or distribution of playing time. 
  • We should be developing the skills of each participant, and fostering a "love of the game" for each participant.
Qualifications for Athlete of the Year 
  • Student must participate in at least one A level sport each trimester. 
    • Sports that qualify per trimester (varsity level only)
      • FALL - Cross Country, Girls Volleyball, Flag football 
      • WINTER - Girls Basketball & Boys Basketball
      • SPRING - Track and Field, Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Softball, Boys Volleyball 
  • Student must participate in at least 75% of the season. 
  • Student must show great sportsmanship, character, ethical conduct and athletic performance.
Qualifications for Scholar Athlete
  • Student must maintain 90% GPA in all academic classes.
  • Student must participate in at least one sport each trimester (varsity level only)
    • Sports that qualify per trimester 
      • FALL - Cross Country, Girls Volleyball, Flag football 
      • WINTER - Girls Basketball & Boys Basketball
      • SPRING - Track and field, Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Softball, Boys Volleyball 
  • Student must participate in at least 75% of the season. 
  • Student must show great sportsmanship, character, ethical conduct and athletic performance.