Ways to Give » Jog-a-thon



We are excited to announce that St. Anastasia Jog-a-thon will take place on Friday, October 25th, 2024. We are planning for a fun-filled event that our students from JK--8th grade truly look forward to every year.


The Jog-a-thon is our school’s second largest fundraiser, and all funds are allocated directly to the school. This fundraiser is a vital source of funds to support our school’s academic and enrichment programs. Funds raised by the Jog-a-thon supports our school's operational expenses, which allows us to offer rich extracurricular experiences for our students. With the incredible success of the Jog-a-thon, we are able to continue offering programs such as mock trial, academic decathlon, our annual Christmas show and annual Spring Musical!


Thank you very much for your support!



Documents and Important Forms:

Student & Class Awards

Class Goal: The donation goal for each class is $8,500
Every Student: All participating students and faculty will receive a Jog-a-thon t-shirt.
Prize Drawing: Students will be entered in a weekly prize drawing based upon money raised. Please be sure to complete and submit a ticket for every $25 donation your child receives each week (see attached page of tickets which you can print at home). Entry tickets will be due by 8:00 a.m. each Thursday. More tickets means more chances to win!
Free Dress Tickets: For every 10 emails sent (social media not included) or every 10 donations received online via PledgeStar, students will receive a free dress voucher (limit 10).
Online Bonus: The class with the most online donations as of 5:00 p.m. on Thursday each week will receive free popsicles at recess.
Goal:  When a class reaches the $8,500 goal, all students in that class will get a free dress day. 
Prize for Winning Class: The class with the most donations as of 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24 will attend the annual Prize Party which takes place during school hours and includes a game truck, various field day events, and ice cream sundaes.
Top Collectors: The top 2 students from each class with the highest total donations collected will attend the annual Prize Party.
#1 Runner: The top male runner and the top female runner with the most laps overall will be recognized at the Jog-a-thon awards ceremony.
Top 6 Runners: The top three female and three male runners from each class will be recognized at the Jog-a-thon awards ceremony.
Top Running Class: The class with the most laps overall will receive The Gonzales Cup for the duration of the 2023-2024 school year.
Thank you to our 2024
Jog-a-thon Donors!
Click donate for
Corporate Sponsorships
Corporate Sponsorships
Diamond "Racer" Sponsor for
$3,000 or higher
Platinum "Sprinter"
Sponsor for

Gold "Runner"
Sponsor for

Silver "Jogger"
Sponsor for $750-$999

Bronze "Walker"
Sponsor for $500-$749
Sponsor a Student

Any amount helps!
Thank you