Faith & Service » Faith & Service

Faith & Service

Our graduates are Committed Catholics who…

  • Know church teachings and actively practice their faith
  • See Jesus’ presence in all life experiences and follow His example
  • Continue to grow in their relationship with God through prayer and the sacraments.
We provide opportunities for our students to embrace their own Catholic identity through religious curriculum, active participation in liturgy, prayer, sacraments, retreats, service, and through a sense of community.

Prayer & Liturgy

Weekly School Liturgies
Students in grades 1-8 participate together at Mass each week. Throughout the year, each grade is given the opportunity to prepare and lead a school-wide liturgy. This involves serving as lectors, altar servers, choir members, bringing the offertory gifts, as well as preparing and presenting a reflection at the end of Mass. In addition to weekly Mass, students and staff attend Mass for various Holy Days of Obligation, special feasts, and important school events.
Paraliturgies and Devotions:

An outdoor service is held for the burning of palms for ashes. Students participate in a Holy Thursday Washing of the Feet service and a May crowning service. Outdoor Stations of the Cross are constructed by the students each year and placed in the schoolyard for use by each class during Fridays of Lent. A live Stations of the Cross event is conducted by the Student Council during Holy Week. During October and May, several of the classes pray the rosary with parishioners.
Altar Server Program:

Students in grades five through eight are encouraged to participate in the Altar Server program and serve at school Masses and all Sunday Masses. Training takes place during the summer; and in addition to regular Masses, students often take part in weddings and funerals when requested to do so.
Children’s Choir:

Students are offered an opportunity to participate in the Children’s Choir after school. They perform at a monthly Sunday Mass and at student Masses.
Classroom prayer:

The school day begins with prayers and special intentions, while grace is said prior to breaking for lunch. Several grades use a prayer buddies program, in which each student prays for another student in the class for a month.
Morning Prayer Circle:

An informal prayer circle for parents takes place every morning after student drop-off.