Continuing Formation
Students and staff have several opportunities throughout the year for spiritual retreats and renewal. Eighth grade students attend two full-day retreats each year. The focus of the retreat is prayer, scripture, and moral behavior.
Seventh Grade/Kindergarten pairing:
Seventh graders are paired with kindergartners for several functions throughout the school year. These pairs sit together at the Masses and Prayer Services in which the kindergarten is present. Seventh graders also teach and pray the rosary with their kindergarten buddies.
Relationship with Parish:
There is strong support for the school from the pastor and priests in residence at the parish. In addition, the Director of Religious Education serves as a liaison between the school and parish and assists in preparing the students for the school Masses and reception of the Sacraments. Older students are encouraged to earn their service hours by assisting with Vacation Bible School and Sunday School and day care. Parishioners are encouraged to attend school events, including Open House, the Science Fairs, the Fine Arts Festival, and the Parish Ball. These events are described in the Parish Bulletin and are announced by the priests during Masses.