Elementary School » Junior Kindergarten

Junior Kindergarten


Religion is woven into every part of the Jr. K school day. Through the learning and understanding of prayers, Bible stories, holy days and peer interactions Jr. K students learn about the Holy Family, Jesus and his love for them and all living things.

Language Arts

The Jr. K program has a strong emphasis on language with a focus on foundational skills, early literacy and the development of a strong vocabulary. As the year unfolds students build familiarity and skill with phonological awareness, letters, letter formation, listening, and speaking.  These skills are taught through thematic instruction, center-time activities, independent and shared story dictation, and various types of play. 


Math for the Jr. K student builds a strong foundation in concrete mathematical thinking based on experience with counting and cardinality, patterns, and shapes.  Students explore, solve problems, and create meaning through play, directed activities, and by using manipulatives such as unifix cubes, tangram shapes, counters and various other objects.

Social Studies

In Jr. K, students begin to understand our world beyond themselves, their families and home.  We explore and learn about maps, time, and community helpers and their roles in our community.  By learning about people, such as the Holy Family, Martin Luther King Jr., President’s Washington and Lincoln, firemen, mail carriers, doctors, veterinarians’, and more, students begin to grow in understanding of how people help contribute to, and influence our community, nation and world.