4th VP - Stewardship
Stephanie Chami & Kyle Milner
- In collaboration with the school administration, coordinates school service projects.
- Responsible for keeping calendar of all service events.
- Assists in "The Association of Catholic Student Councils" Annual Conference Scholarship Program.
- Assists in Reach-out Day during Catholic School's Week
- Acts as liaison for service events with the Parish, works with Director of Religious Education
- Committees under the 4th Vice-President include: Parish Picnic, Halloween Candy Drive, Thanksgiving Turkey Drive Collection, Adopt-a-Family, St. Margaret Center's Easter Basket Program, and other projects as they arise.
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Mass on the Grass and Parish Picnic (September or October) - Chairpersons - Carla Brown and Tara Mittal-Campbell
The Parish Family Picnic is a parish‐wide event on a Sunday afternoon in the Fall. The Chairperson is responsible for planning, publicizing, and implementing this event. The event usually includes a food truck, drinks, desserts and entertainment for the kids. Committee members are needed for set-up, tear-down and helping during the event. Middle school students may volunteer for the event in order to fulfill service hours.
Thanksgiving Turkey and Food Drive (November) - Chairpersons: Stephanie Chami, Kyle Milner, Margie Manoussi
Works with school and parish to promote donations to support St. Margaret's Center's need for Thanksgiving turkeys. Create collateral, publicize with school and parish, purchase gift cards and or frozen turkeys for Thanksgiving.
School children are also invited to provide canned goods for Thanksgiving Mass, to be blessed and delivered to local food banks. Chairperson or volunteers needed to help collect and deliver to food bank.
Benefiting Organization: St. Margaret's Center and Families
Adopt‐a‐Family (December) - Chairperson: Nicole Papadopoulos
The chairperson serves as the school liaison to St. Margaret Center, disseminates information to all the Adopt‐a‐Family class chairpersons, organizes the gift‐wrapping day and any other tasks related to this effort.
Room Parents and volunteers are responsible for publicizing their Adopt‐a‐Family needs/gift requests. They must manage all gifts received for the family from their class, make contact with their assigned family, and organize drivers for delivery day.
Benefiting Organization: St. Margaret’s Center and Families
Reach-Out Day (January) - Chairperson: OPEN
Work in collaboration with school administration to recommend service projects for classes to work with during Catholic Schools Week. Could be a school-wide project, or class-based. May include a key-note speaker as well.
Heritage Day (April) - Chairperson: Carla Brown
Heritage day is a celebration of the world! We are blessed to bring richness of our family's cultural heritage to our school community! Coordinate with leads from each class to plan speakers, discussions and samples of food from each assigned country. Students are welcome to dress to celebrate their own heritage as well!
Volunteers will be needed to help prepare dishes to sample, set up, serve and clean up after the event.
TACSC Leadership Scholarships - Chairperson: Tara Mittal-Campbell and Administration
"The Association of Catholic Student Councils" Annual Conference is an annual program supporting our student council. Each year students in 6th-8th grade are eligible to participate in student council, and can apply for scholarships to attend the TACSC conferences. Chairperson will work with student council advisor to assist with council elections, review applications and essays, and apply to the Arts and Education Foundation for scholarships.