1st VP - Dean of Chairs | Anna Lee & Erin Petersen |
Annual Staff Appreciation Gifts | Diane Sant |
Babysitting Training and Home Alone Classes Chair | Jennifer Barry |
Career Day Speaker Chair | Lauren Schuchman |
Career Day Parent Escort Chair | Juang Luong |
Digital Archiving Chair | Maria Vega |
Safety Committee Chair | Channing Curtis |
Fourth of July Parade Chair (July 2023) | Jennifer Provencher |
Health Examinations Chair | Sharon Doggett |
School Hot Lunch Chair | Christa Thompson |
Nominations Committee Chair | Vickie Farmer |
Open House Chair | Melissa Brown and Natalie Polanger |
Soothing Bag Program | Erin Petersen |
Traffic Safety Volunteers | Kevin Dallahan and Frank Forray |
Uniform Exchange Chairs | Kristina Magallon |
Class Photographer Chair | Beth O'Rourke |
Yearbook Chair | Emma Delf |
2nd VP - Social | Charlotte Rosenzweig and Amanda Severson |
New Family Buddies Chair | Vickie Farmer |
Room Parent Chairs | Barbara Guidry |
Back to School Lunch for Faculty - August | Laura Arenstein |
Welcome Coffee Chair - August | Rena Nakashima |
Back to School Night Chair - September | Mia CamCam |
Pancake Breakfast Chairs - September | Will Spjut, Rob Shiels and Rex Lee |
Student Pizza Parties (December and June) | Jill Krinek and Erika White |
Christmas Program Chairs | Channing Curtis |
Career Day Lunch Chair (January) | Laura Arenstein |
Faculty Appreciation Lunch - Catholic Schools Week | Laura Arenstein |
Teacher Appreciation Lunch - May | Laura Arenstein |
Dancing and Dessert | OPEN |
3rd VP - Ways and Means | Travis Gabler and Brigid Brookman |
Book Fair Chair | Emma Delf/Nicole Johnson |
Jog–a–Thon Chairs | Brigid Brookman and Nicole Toppel |
Parish Ball - Event Administration | Nicole Downs |
Golf Tournament Chair | Nicole Stonerock and Beata Murphy |
Father/Daughter Dance | Travis Gabler |
Mother Son Dance | Jackie Kuehlewind and Bree Black |
School Support Sunday Chair | Rosalyn Vasquez |
4th VP - Stewardship (Service and Fellowship) | Stephanie Chami & Kyle Milner |
Class Service Projects | Need chair for each class (ongoing) |
Campus Clean-up Days | OPEN |
Mass on the Grass/Parish Picnic Chairs | Carla Brown and Tara Mittal-Campbell |
Thanksgiving Turkey Drive | Stephanie Chami / Kyle Milner / Margie Manoussi |
Adopt-A-Family Coordinator | Nicole Papadopoulos |
Reach-Out Day | OPEN |
Easter Baskets | Megan Driscoll and Rachele Groff |
Heritage Day | Carla Brown |
Candy Exchange | 4th VP and Mrs. Schmidt |
Blessing Bags | Tara Mittal-Campbell and 2nd grade parent |
TACSC Scholarships | Tara Mittal-Campbell and Administration |
5th VP - Sports and Student Activities | Maria Vega & Julie Risso |
Halloween Celebration | Kyle Milner and Stephanie Chami |
Talent Show Chairs | OPEN |
Afterschool Enrichment Chairs | Marisa & Josh Peters |
Spirit Wear | OPEN |
Varsity Sports Banquet Chair | OPEN |
Rock Roll & Run Chairs | Chris Lehr |
Spring Carnival Chairs | OPEN |
Athletics - Uniform Chair | Kathy Alexander |
Athletics - Equipment Chair | OPEN |